Go World Archive

Go World magazine, the English world's premier source of go information for more than three decades, is now available in digital form! All 129 issues, from 1977 through 2012, including rare early ones no longer available, have been lovingly scanned to maintain the exact look and feel of the original. The archive contains a wealth of game commentaries, articles, problems, and news. An extensive topical index allows you to find exactly what you want in any of the 129 issues. Full-text search is available across the entire archive of more than 8000 pages. Go World Archive can be used on any computer with the ability to view PDFs.

Go World Archive is the indispensable addition to your go library, the equivalent of hundreds of go books for a fraction of the price.

Key Features

  • 129 issues of the English world's leading go magazine on DVD
  • Fully searchable
  • Complete index
  • Runs on any computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Extensive commentaries on professional games, articles, problem sets, and news

System Requirements

Operating System:

Windows, Linux, or Mac OS


Adobe Reader


The archive is available for purchase and download (8GB) at USD 59.95 from PayLoadz.